By Anonymous - 28/09/2013 16:25 - Serbia - Beograd

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She said yes, but the ring turned out to be quite tight on her finger. She then chewed me out, saying that I can't do anything right, then changed her answer to no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 805
You deserved it 4 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's better that she changed her answer to no. Imagine what it would be like if you found out she was like that after being married to her.


If your girl is THAT demanding, then maybe you're better off without her...true, we girls wanna show off our ring asap, but dang. you'd think she could be a little understanding...

Sorry you got your heart broken. I hope you can at least return the ring.

ditch her and run. you don't wanna go through what will happen when you are married

If she's gonna do that she isn't worth it bro, some guys propose with no ring so don't worry she's messed up not you my friend good luck get a new girl

What an insensitive thing for her to do. Sounds like there's some long held grudges that need sorting out pretty urgently.

jsc9306 14

That should be your answer right there. Pick up your balls from her purse and move on down the road.