By sadface - 04/01/2010 06:43 - Australia

Today, I pulled a hamstring by taking a dump. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 491
You deserved it 7 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That'll teach you to build it up. Next time, when nature calls, pick up the phone.


i think you are the most awesome person on the planet. if i could pull my hamstring while takinga shit i would be so bloody happy. but no. im not unique. be proud to be able to do that.

See what happens when you don't stretch?

Yesterday my step dad pulled a muscle straining on the toilet he didn't even get a shit out of it. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

cel123456789 0

did u take a pic of the terd????!

Gobsnoglin 0

You beat me by THAT much! holds fingers really close together

Please tell me you were criticising his grammar and knew that meme.

paladininwaiting 1

That must have been one of those ***** that actually make your pants fit better.

Judges? (checks the nearby table to see a co-worker asleep at his desk) Evidently, we have no clear ruling on this comment, so I'll rule in your favor, #37, and deem you worthy to wear this gold-colored diaper as your reward. Sure, it's gold-colored and probably unsafe to wear, but it's more fun to imagine why it is colored that way.

I will be sure to post a pic of me in the diper that I will wear with pride ;)

razorp 0

wow either ut was a massive shit, or the first workout you have had in forever