By Lifeless - 15/08/2010 08:42 - United States

Today, I put on makeup for a picture. My Facebook profile picture. That's how much of a life I actually have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 632
You deserved it 33 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alicia_was_here 3

hows that mean you dont have a life?


kayelsea 0

duude i do that too and i have a life.

alexaluvee 0

I know how you feel haha. except I don't wear makeup too often (only mascara really) since I'm eleven haha. but I'll do my hair JUST for a profile picture :/ grrrr...

ragtime88 0

My sister does this all the time.... She always takes really amazing facebook profile pix.

I agree your life sucks, if you even have one. 


commenting on this to make you feel better? all of you females look FUGLY AS BUTTHOLE

daniluffsyhuo_o 0

you have inner beauty. embrace it :)

justdancebbyx3 7

I've done that before...I think a lot of people do.

brookeface93 0

Come on....everyone puts on make-up before taking pictures they want to look halfway decent in. It has nothing to do with being ugly or having no life.