By Anonymous - 29/06/2009 17:55 - Canada

Today, I put on my "fat jeans" because none of my other jeans fit. Neither do my fat jeans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 894
You deserved it 46 644

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kels_bets21 0

what do you usually wear then ? because you don't just gain enough weight to fit nothing overnight.

I gained 80 lbs over know what helped me lose the weight? Exercise and not being online whining about my weight and reading fml. Unless you have a thyroid problem, or another medical condition, ydi!


Damn. Number 28 got to it before and YDI fatty

Did you just wash them? No, I'm serious. Jeans shrink by a ******* ton in the wash, especially if you wore them a couple times before.

Yeah every time I wear jeans fresh out of the dryer I they're small as ****

cms70 0

Want a good way to learn quickly how to eat healthier and lose weight? Get pregnant. No seriously, I'm eating better than I ever have before(quit smoking and drinking too) and I've lost 11lbs since getting knocked up! I mean, sure, in a few months I will start ballooning up like crazy...but as long as I am careful once I have the baby I'll be right back down to my weight now and be able to continue my newly found healthy eating habits! But seriously though, realizing your clothes don't fit you anymore really sucks. I had that problem back in April when I found out none of my dress blouses fit across my chest anymore. Its depressing. But there are ways to fix it!

work out and eat well. Its not that hard, you just have to care.

That happens to me too... I got tired of it and I'm starting diet and exercising... good luck!

*Gardenho* took the words right out of my mouth. 1.) Set (realistic) goals for yourself! I don't know how much weight you wanna lose but try not to go over 10lbs a month. 2.) Don't diet, but rather change your lifestyle. Make excercise a regular habit. NUTRITION is key. Drink water with every meal..and before every meal. Try and eat 4-5 smaller meals a day, rather than 3 large ones..and don't forget to have protein and (good) carbs with every meal! 3.) By doing this, and quiting other habits you may have (smoking, drinking,etc) will not only notice a huge difference in your body, but you will develop much cleaner looking again, change your lifestyle. 4.) If you have a sweet tooth, have something sweet, but small, everyday. For example, every morning I have a scoop of Haagen Dasz ice cream & mix it with my coffee..I've been doing this for the past 2 months and I've still lost long as you excercise and watch your portions you will do great! :)

Are you freaking serious with the novel you wrote.... You're not Dr Phil so quit trying to act so high anda mighty with your comment. Gimme a break....

suaveneanderthal 0

so since when do diets not work? i mean legit eat less bad shit eat more good shit. not crazy pills or anything like that, but really? i don't know a person that went on a diet and had it fail them, its simple if you eat better things you can't help but get in better shape. The reason diets fail is because the people on them fail.