By mr - 27/07/2010 18:44 - United States

Today, I realized every time I go to take a poop, my 9 month old crawls into the bathroom and sobs at my feet. I now have to let my 9 month old sit on my lap while I shit, because I can't do it any other way. The end to all privacy has now come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 765
You deserved it 10 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

word. put it in a safe place and go shit alone. if you let your baby get what it wants every time you're going to have some hard years in front of you...


jameses19 0

my 3 yr old had woken up from a nap and walked in while my wife was on top and he said daddy where did your pee pee go. it ruined the mood but was priceless. get used to it op, you have many years ahead!

Thats just wrong! She'll neverget over it, better to lock the door and leave her outside! YDI for spoiling the kid.

solution: place the baby in a safe, contained area and go poop. it'll be good for both of you, and soon enough your kid will realize that crying while you poop is completely ineffective.

Don't let your child control your life. Sometimes they have to cry a little. YDI for not establishing rules for yourself about how to raise your children. Believe me, I know it's hard, I've got twins.... and they're super babies (not just regular babies)

LoL Middle Aged Therapy is in that child's future.

Sparkiee93 3

Honey, let the baby cry, it really won't hurt him I'm the first one to go to a screaming baby; sleep time social time, and some times even bathing time will be sacrificed for my baby time, but potty time is where you have to draw the line. Put the baby in a highchair or crib or if you don't have one just shut the baby in a bedroom for the 45 seconds it takes to go then wash your hands. He isn't going to cry himself into a coma from you going to the bathroom alone.