By mr - 27/07/2010 18:44 - United States

Today, I realized every time I go to take a poop, my 9 month old crawls into the bathroom and sobs at my feet. I now have to let my 9 month old sit on my lap while I shit, because I can't do it any other way. The end to all privacy has now come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 765
You deserved it 10 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bittersweets 2

word. put it in a safe place and go shit alone. if you let your baby get what it wants every time you're going to have some hard years in front of you...


letitbe56 0

Your baby is plenty old enough to tough it out for the time it takes you to poop. At this point you're just spoiling him, so YDI.

haha, cracked me up! Stop spoiling him/her though.

Umm.. close the door?? Geeze... way to work that one out. And your baby is hardly going to drop down dead if you don't tend to it for 5 mins.

theredone30 2

Why is a nine month old on their own crawling around the house? Sounds a bit like bad parenting. Put the child in a playpen or their crib.

reddwarf_fml 0

a lil discipline before it's too late. that's why they make cribs swings playpens ....duct tape. just saying

clockworkgirl21 8

What is everyone's problem? When you become a parent, yes, you give up privacy, but that doesn't mean you can't have 5 minutes to yourself to shit. I'd be just locking the door and letting the kid scream outside.

hey you only shut the kid out nine months ago, it is just lonely for home.

I don't think swearing is a very good example for your child.

YDI for giving into your child. It's time to start cutting the umbilical cord. A friend of mine had the same issues with her first child. She indulged in it, too. But contrary to what a lot of people on here are saying, she didn't grow out of it. She's a toddler now and screams her head off whenever her mom leaves her sight for 5 seconds. If you put your kid in their crib for two minutes while you go take a shit, it's not going to kill them. Sure they might scream the entire time, but they'll learn. Even parents deserve to go to the bathroom in private.