By Fred - 27/06/2009 01:32 - United States
Top comments
YDI for being a cheating asshole, not to mention an idiot.
way to stay orginized... ydi
Ignoring the content you put on your calendar, why would you not know that the calendar is accessible to everyone in the company? I'm an intern, in college, this is my first office setting job, and *I* know the calendar is accessible to anyone who works there. It's supposed to be used for arranging meetings with other people, and seeing when someone else is free if you need to talk to them. Well, oh, and yeah, there's what you were using the calendar for...good job.
First off why in the world would you write the days you have sex on a calendar....and your such an ass for cheating you deserved to get caught.
YDI, dumbbbassss >:-( that's what you get for cheating, I hope she divorces you!
YDI for cheating on your wife :/
YDI. Idiot.