By creepermagnet - 10/10/2009 19:16 - United States

Today, I rear-ended a car on the parkway. We pulled over, the guy told me his car was fine, and then asked me out on a date. It was only when I said no that he decided he wanted his car fixed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 938
You deserved it 18 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Since he saved you a chunk of money (depending on how bad the damage was) You should have kindly gone on a date with him.

All he wanted was to rear end your bumper if you know what I mean


ur an idiot. even i would have known that!

You have accepted and spent the entire date talking about your 39 cats and the intricacies of each individual cat's personality. Once you start talking about how each cat relates to all of the others, he should work out the math and go far, far away from you.

Oh ****, I memorize my cats' lineage. Thank you plexico, you've shown me that I have a weapon at my disposal.

zach5 0

When somebody ever does that again (if you didn't do this) just drive off and leave him there

wajalama 0 crash into him and get mad when he tells you either you date him or pay? YDI for crashing into him in the first place, and you should have payed for the damage. Don't act all high and mighty and whine about your predicament that you started in the first place. I would have just payed him for his damages and left. Loser.

Wow, what a creeper. Since you're the one who hit him, you'll most likely be found at fault in the accident, and your insurance will have to pay for it. You deserve that part. However, the whole "date me or pay" thing? FYL for him being a creep.

wat is everyone so worked up about with the spelling errors? i only see one, where she said rear end instead of ended

"askes"? and "rear end" isn't wrong anyway, the OP is speaking in the present tense >.> It's a little technique called the historic present.... if you ever studied classics you'd know about it.

jw90 18

YDI. He decides to wave off the payment for damages as long as you go on one date with him and you refuse. For god sakes it's not like you have to keep dating him.

So the rear-ending preceeded the date? I guess if you're just that kind of person, then I have no right to object...

Ew, I can't believe how many people think the guy was perfectly within his rights in this situation. Here's a few thoughts: 1. He could have stopped suddenly for no reason. From an insurance point of view the OP is still at fault, but that doesn't mean he was necessarily blame-free. He could have done it on purpose - maybe this is his MO. 2. He didn't say "So...want to go out for dinner? Because if you don't, I'm making you pay, bitch!" If someone asked me out after I'd just accidentally run into them, I'd be a bit too shaken to consider the fact that he might be a complete douche who has no qualms with punishing me for denying his advances. 3. OP could have a boyfriend. A very jealous, maniacal boyfriend. Or husband for that matter. 4. The guy could have been about 500 pounds, sweating like a pig, hair covering every square millimetre of his body, and reeking like an abattoir. 5. Insurance. Because if protecting yourself from crazy drivers (and yourself) wasn't enough, you now need to be insured from righteous fucktards who think they -deserve- to have a date with you, and deserve to punish you if you decline.

CheshireHalli 19

Thank you! From some of these posters, I was not aware hat women didn't have the right to refuse a date. O.o

And men don't have the right to ask women out? Daft bitch damaged his car, if he's attracted to her he's "perfectly within his rights" to invite her on a date and the fact she has to pay for his repairs is only fair because she did the damage. If she was at a proper speed and following distance then a decent driver would always be able to stop in time to not go into the back of someone. Nowhere does it mention that the guy was particularly rude about it, he was just claiming his due

wut His due is the money, not the chick. You're right, he can't help if he's attracted to her, and if he had asked for a date solely on those grounds it's fine. But, instead, he tried to weasel her into a date by offering a false favor. "Date me or pay" fits perfectly, as someone else said. Good girl said no, and he punished her by taking back his favor. We call that being an "Indian giver."

Dame, just because you're a lesbian doesn't mean you have to assume the worst about all guys.

Just because you're a fool doesn't mean you have to assume I'm a lesbian. Also, lol at you for resorting to such a childish way to "argue." I'm not assuming the worst, I'm fully justified in my deduction. It was an obvious farce since he took it back so easily when he didn't get what he wanted. Again, /you do good things without expecting something in return./ I have to wonder if he had just gone ahead and still let her off the hook, perhaps she would have seen him as a good person instead of a creep, and would have eventually dated him? In any case, he makes a more lasting impression being a nice guy instead of an ass. And, while it sounds pessimistic, you really should keep the worst that could happen in mind when it comes... to anything, really. OP may have to pay, but she dodged a bullet for sure when this guy revealed his true colours.

reasons u give off the lezzie vibe: 1) you fight tooth and nail to defend a girl you don't even know. 2) you go to great lengths to demonize the guy, who you also do not know. 3)The girl hit his car, yet you are trying to claim she is the victim. The lez-o-meter is off the charts!

No... actually, the first thing I said was that she should take responsibility and any bitch who weasels out of it with a date is... a desperate bitch, lol (be it man or woman). Several times I've mentioned she should pay. She IS a victim, but of creeping, not of a car accident. I could say the gaydar is off the charts too for the guys defending the guy, but I'm not because... what the hell kind of argument is that? Oh. Right. It's not.

Did I try to make an argument about this fml? Nope, this was just commentary on your carpet mucher status.

You are obviously attempting to undermine my comments by saying I'm a man-hating lesbian and therefore am wrong. To support your claim, you included the circumstances of this FML and the comments I've made about it. By doing so, you are attempting an argument with my conclusions.