By OMGraven - 19/02/2010 08:24 - United States

Today, I returned home to find that my boyfriend's dog had gotten into the garbage and ripped all my used pads to shreds. There's a trail of Always tatters leading to his dog bed, and blood everywhere. My blood. Oh God. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 671
You deserved it 3 604

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shmoe 0

Oh, I didn't see the word 'dog'.

I've had this happen to me before. Damn dogs. -_-"


See, I've never had a dog, but I have enough sense to keep doors closed around them.


that's just nasty maybe you should start using tampons he can't rip those up

- ohh dayumm ! ;sorry bout that! happened to me at my house but i picked it up asap! if your bf says something tell him " you shouldnt be talking bout my blood cus ur sex iaibt that great"

OMG that really sucks! hope you cleaned it up before your bf came home!

fbp6277 0

That's happened to me before. It was so gross.

kelleyb323 0

you deserve it for using pads. how does it feel to sit in your own blood all day?

AndelleRae 9

Some women can't use tampons. My mom and sister both had problems with ridiculously heavy flow and they would go through a super heavy duty tampon in about 10 minutes. Pads were the only way to keep from ruining every pair of underwear they owned. And this has been your TMI for the day. :D

Better than it feels to shove a hunk of bacteria-friendly cotton up my cooter that only serves to exacerbate my already excruciating cramps. But thanks for asking!

CyclonePsycho 1

Maybe I'm just being immature, but I giggled at the word "cooter." And then I imagined someone saying it with a fancy accent and started cracking up. Hehe, cooter.

Pearljammer001 0

haha fml I know what a menstral cup is and I'm a guy... but then again most of my friends are girls....