By asshole - 02/10/2009 05:34 - United States

Today, I sat to the right of a girl I really like. I passed her a note asking her to homecoming. She read it, then hurriedly passed it to a hideous girl sitting on her left, who said yes, then hugged me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 190
You deserved it 12 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expen_dable 0

so its wrong to think a girl is unattractive? so do you say "yes" to every guy who asks you out, and you wouldn't dare call a guy ugly or unattractive? I hate this double standard where whiny fat girls say "ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL HOW DARE YOU NOT SAY YES!!" but have no problem gossiping about the ugly guy that just tried to ask your friend out. sorry but this isn't a perfect world of flowers and butterflies and unicorns where every girl is a princess.

amanbaby 0

that sucks...she couldve just said no, without doing that.


wtf is wrong with you OP? some men are just so full of themselves they think they can get anyone... the girl you asked? she's the hideous one. the girl who said yes? beautiful. probably not very smart to go out with a jerk like you, though. stop judging people on the way they look.

"the girl who said yes? beautiful." Why the **** are people under the assumption that ugly people are always beautiful on the inside? and please refer to post #146 for my response to your "You just think you can get anyone" crap.

lovethewordnerd 0

Oregon! Where do you go to school? Not Cleveland, by any chance?

Sparkiee93 3

Ha! YDI. I'm sick of all these cocky assholes thinking that they are just god's gift to women and that they can get any babe they want. You OBVIOUSLY aren't that much of a prize if she wouldn't even give you the time to say hell no. Get the **** over yourself.

Ahh, presumptuous assholes are the funnest kind of assholes. He never said he thought the girl he intended to go out with would say yes. He's not allowed to give it a shot without thinking he's god's gift to women?

ziqi92 0

i sense a love triangle. cmon man, u gotta learn to give other people a chance. even when i didnt want to date someone older than me (grade wise), i eventually found myself going out with a senior (i was a junior at the time) even though she was nowhere as attractive as the girl i originally liked. love can come from where its least expected, no joke.

satanstoystore 0

act like a man and ask women directly.

No not really.... He could just say "Aw hell nah" to (as you so bluntly put) said 'ugly chick' and be over with it.

heartlessagony 0

If you're going to pass a note, put her name first. But seriously, you should man up and ask her directly. Girls usually take notice how much courage was built up to take this action.

PandaBear_36 0

You really do seem like an asshole if you're going to judge someone about their appearances. How would you like it if the girl you liked thought the same about you?... Which she probably did. You seem like the type to go for superficial beauty and those are sometimes the bitchy ones.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

"You really do seem like an asshole if you're going to judge someone about their appearances" yeah. I mean, every human does this, but it's still fun to pretend that you don't and everybody who does is an asshole.

That's really mean. It's just homecoming. I'm sure she's extreamly excited. Suck it up and take her. Seriously. You'd be amazed at how such a simple gesture like that can change the girl's life. She'll remember it when she's older...

You're an asshole for calling her hideous.