By Anonymous - 18/01/2014 06:29 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, I shut one of my breasts in my car door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 098
You deserved it 10 270

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's like when dudes sit on their balls. there are no winnings...except for the inanimate objects I suppose


You need a better bra to keep those babies up higher, damn that's gotta hurt );

Bitches get in the way don't they?? Love/hate relationship we women have to deal with...

JMichael 25

How does that happen? Were they flapping about like no one's business?

Think of it this way... U hav something on your chest to get caught in the door some girls don't

"Some girls don't" and a that's a bad thing?

flynryder 7

Yes. Because squashing your boob with a door is always pleasant. You don't sound smart.

Meld86 12

Please explain how that happens so I can avoid it

Ouch, I hope it wasn't too painful for you, OP. Just out of curiosity, how big are they? I'm not trying to be gross, but mine are really small; so I don't see how it's even possible for that to happen unless they are huge >.>

happyfingers 15

How did you manage that? o.O I can't even picture this actually happening...