By Dockin - 14/02/2019 15:37 - India

Today, I slashed my ass open with a shard of glass. How? I was making out with my crush, and threw my glasses on the ground. I forgot about them when we decided to lie down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 250
You deserved it 38 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

missamazinggg 12
zebraface 15

Because throwing your glasses on the ground is just sooo sexy.


You got cokblocked by glass :( your life sucks

DJRhetorical 4

Bet your ass wishes you would have shelled out that extra money for the polycarbonate lenses now

Better ur ass then your eye...plastic lenses are the way to go

Just wait until you get under the shower you will really feel the meaning of pain

At least you can upgrade now to a pair made from modern materials.

hello_jules 8