By Spudzy - 11/04/2012 16:46 - Australia - Gold Coast

Today, I tried hitting on the new receptionist at work. After a few flirtatious comments and subtly hinting that I thought she was bangable, she informed me that she's married to our boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 444
You deserved it 44 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How exactly do you subtly hint that someone is "bangable"?

OP: "Hey do you like the drums? I used to be the drummer in a band during high school." Receptionist: "Oh yeah?" OP: "Yeah, what can I say? I was pretty good at banging my stick! I mean sticks. You look like you could do with some banging yourself, you know, it's quite relaxing and loosens your muscles." Receptionist: "Really? I guess I'll have to tell my husband, your boss, about that." OP: *O.O*


perdix 29

Pigs like you don't know how to "subtly" hint that your prey is bangable. You probably said a lot of vile and disgusting things to her that you consider witty and charming. Maybe she'll tell her husband and you'll be the one getting banged, or maybe she'll keep that as a threat over your head to make you fetch her coffee and pick up his dry cleaning. Dumb ass.

Now now Perdix, calm down. He never said how he did it or how he is. You don't have to call names. But yeah he is definetly a dumb ass xD

Don't calm down! I'm looking forward to another one of your comments.

What's wrong with you?! Taking a solid stance on issues is only going to lead to bad things. Go back to indifference! It's too late for me, but you still have time to avoid making the move to the dark side...

'Hit on Debrah, Like a boss. Get rejected, like a boss. Swallow sadness, like a boss.'

Next time he might make sure the boss also doesn't find the sexy secretary "bangable." Wow, the way that came out almost sounds like the makings of an office porno.

Subtly hint she was bangable? OP: You're really ... Uh ... *cough* Bangable *cough* Secretary: Excuse me? OP: You know, um, *bangs fist on desk* Bang! Bang! You like that? Boss: Oh, heeeeellllll no!

chels1994 11

I don't believe anyone who refers to women as "bangable" to be even slightly respectful. YDI all the way.

MrBrightside21 20

Where's Lonely Island when you need them?

yatiny 0

Now right here would be a moment for a good facepalm

SlaveToRetail 10

"Bangable?" YDI for being a tool.

aaahhhfire21 0

I don't see a raise or promotion in your future anytime soon possibly not a job hope u got some resumes

That makes me a saaad panda. On a serious note, you could take this as a cue to try learning more about your potential partners' lives before you talk about yourself and where you'd like to put your dick.