By Spudzy - 11/04/2012 16:46 - Australia - Gold Coast

Today, I tried hitting on the new receptionist at work. After a few flirtatious comments and subtly hinting that I thought she was bangable, she informed me that she's married to our boss. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 444
You deserved it 44 955

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How exactly do you subtly hint that someone is "bangable"?

OP: "Hey do you like the drums? I used to be the drummer in a band during high school." Receptionist: "Oh yeah?" OP: "Yeah, what can I say? I was pretty good at banging my stick! I mean sticks. You look like you could do with some banging yourself, you know, it's quite relaxing and loosens your muscles." Receptionist: "Really? I guess I'll have to tell my husband, your boss, about that." OP: *O.O*


It could of been a hell of a lot worse if you mentioned to the Boss how tidy his receptionist is.

Strwbry3Shortcke 8

Here are step-by-step instruction on how to hit on a 'Bangable' girl. 1) MAKE SURE SHE ISN'T MARRIED 2) Assuming you're not an idiot and you followed the first step,start by being sweet. Ask her about her day even if you don't care. 3) Up your game and break the contact barrier so long as she isn't your boss' wife. 4) Make sure you don't come across as a jerk, douche, liar, or cheater but you probably will, considering you just flirted with your superior's spouse. I think you missed a step.

Lol not true you can still bang a married one

onealmxwilson 18

Maybe your boss will try hitting on you face and various other parts of your body.

Sounds like a bad case of sexual frustration

That's why you don't ever hit in a girl until you get a look at her fingers. If there's a ring there, move on.

EvilTeddysRock 2

your a jerk op'bangable' really? either you're a cocky jack ass or really desperate.go play in traffic.