By Anonymous - 17/12/2009 01:57 - United States

Today, I tried to rid my son of his pacifier. He still uses it to sleep. My son is 20 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 267
You deserved it 26 459

Same thing different taste

Top comments

startafire 0

There are worse things for your son to be sucking on before he sleeps.


What, does he still drink from your breasts and wear diapers? Next, your trying to get your son to sleep in an actual bed because he still sleeps in a crib. Jesus, woman.

well you should have rid him of this when he was either one or two, he would have cried for a week and then gotten over it, as children at that age do.

terriibabiiix23 0

LMFAO ! he's 20 years old & he STILL has a pacifier !??!?!?! FAIL.

blablabla1_fml 0

So he likes sucking on a pacifier? No big deal in my opinion, just look at all those cigarette smokers who even need an addictive and calming substance every few hours. Even if he were to still wear diapers I'd consider it a more mature thing to do than to basically hurt yourself every day because you can't live without doing it. Check out if you are a smoker and want to know why you can't properly reason when thinking about your addiction and why you might think I come off as a radical health fanatic :)

x_Mikomi_x 0

Uhm, Im sure a lot of people would appriciate it if you didnt use that word..

sheltergirl87 0

I don't see how this is in any way YOUR problem. If it helps him sleep, then I say let him do it! It's not hurting YOU, so stop being so pathetic and whiny.

#149: The OP is the parent of the 20 year old. That means they failed, in the past 20 years, to teach their son to grow up. How does posting this FML make them pathetic and whiny? You sound pretty bitchy yourself, actually...

jesswhit2012 0

epic parent fail. ydi, fo sho.

well i had mine till i was 4.... thats sorta the same lol