By Anonymous - 11/09/2010 21:46 - United States

Today, I turned 18. My parents remembered that I loved German chocolate cake, so I awoke to a hot, fudge-filled chocolate cake with a slice cut out just for me. I've been lactose-intolerant for 8 years. As I cried, my mom handed me tissues, while eating the "Happy" part of my cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 182
You deserved it 5 666

Same thing different taste

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OP discovered a cake that they fell madly in love with 8 or more years ago. 8 years ago, they could no longer have this cake or anything else containing dairy products. Today is their 18th birthday. Their family made OP the previously mentioned cake that OP has not been able to eat for 8 years and still cannot eat. OP cried because they can't eat this delicious birthday cake and evidently, their family doesn't know her very well. OP's mom ate a piece of the cake which had a smiley face or something on it. Do you get it now? It's not that hard to understand...

Dude, who cares about the aftermath, eat it anyway.


Yeah, and they obviously didn't put much thought into it.

what does being lactose intolerant have to do with your ability to eat cake? I'm lactose intolerant and I'm fine when I eat cake...I don't get it. and why would you cry about it? lol none of this makes any sense to me.

peacelovekat 0

German CHOCOLATE Choco has milk in it !

13- I'm also lactose intolerant, and I, too, can eat cake as well as chocolate bars. There are different severities of the intolerance; it seems like OP's got the worst possible.

I agree with 13, unless there's whipped cream all over the top there's no reason to cry. even so, just take a pill. if I were there I dunk ur face in it

chocolate as well as most cake batters contains milk which contains lactose which OP is intolerant to. if your fine eating cake you are either not lactose intolerant or the cake did not contain milk.

Did you see the other comment about how heating the milk destroys the makeup of it, therefore making it more tolerable? I've been diagnosed as lactose intolerant by a doctor, yet I can still have yogurt, cream cheese, cake and anything else with small amounts of cooked milk in it... etc.

So, ummm why do you not use "Lactaid" or one of the other readily available on-the-shelf meds for lactose intolerance? They break down the lactose for you. Just take one and eat the friggin cake!

Tweety122888 0

I thought that Lactaod was a brand name of soy milk?

15, some people have a hard time swallowing pills. It says on the bottle to take anywhere between 3 and 6 pills (no more than 6) each time you have dairy.

If you have a hard time swallowing pills, they make chewable ones too! My only issue with them is that they're so sickly sweet I feel like I'm eating dehydrated marshmallows.

I haven't come across the chewable ones yet, then. I'd hate the chalky aftertaste... but you're right. Something that sweet doesn't sound overly appetizing.

Come on pills are easy to swallow. If you need practice swallowing, find a penis.

There's a significant difference between semen (a liquid) and pills (a solid).

Flutist 3
jakkanarchy 0
ElectricGhost_fml 5

I live in Nevada!!!!!!!!! too..... haha

Someone baked you a cake. F your life? Geesh.

jakkanarchy 0

for real. stop bitching and be thankful