By Anonymous - 11/09/2010 21:46 - United States

Today, I turned 18. My parents remembered that I loved German chocolate cake, so I awoke to a hot, fudge-filled chocolate cake with a slice cut out just for me. I've been lactose-intolerant for 8 years. As I cried, my mom handed me tissues, while eating the "Happy" part of my cake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 179
You deserved it 5 663

Same thing different taste

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OP discovered a cake that they fell madly in love with 8 or more years ago. 8 years ago, they could no longer have this cake or anything else containing dairy products. Today is their 18th birthday. Their family made OP the previously mentioned cake that OP has not been able to eat for 8 years and still cannot eat. OP cried because they can't eat this delicious birthday cake and evidently, their family doesn't know her very well. OP's mom ate a piece of the cake which had a smiley face or something on it. Do you get it now? It's not that hard to understand...

Dude, who cares about the aftermath, eat it anyway.


suck it up. if you wanted it THAT bad, you would gave eaten it anyway and dealt with the consequences. ydi for being a pussy

scvcwcheer 0

so take a lactose pill and eat the cake..?

"Today is my birthday. My parents made my favorite kind of cake, and instead of doing any one of the the millions of ways to deal with lactose intolerance, I began crying like a selfish brat. My mom ate the cake because she was tired of me making her feel bad for doing nice things. FML."

"Today is my birthday. My parents made my favorite kind of cake, and instead of doing any one of the the millions of ways to deal with lactose intolerance, I began crying like a selfish brat. My mom ate the cake because she was tired of me making her feel bad for doing nice things. FML."

happily_married0 0

I'm lactose intolerant too. most drug stores have lactose intolerant pills. if you take one pill every day, you shouldn't have any more problems. hope this helps!!

KylaaKatastrophe 0
heatherdawn64 1

just use an alternative to milk then.. like almond milk.

wow yur a liar how can yu be lactose and love cake.. next time yur gonna lie make sure it makes sense,

chokeabitch 0

your gene pool needs chlorine.