By calliefml - 26/04/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, I walked into my dorm to find my roommate hanging a voodoo doll of me on a noose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 799
You deserved it 6 165

Same thing different taste


xMooMoox 0

#40 Wow! She knew more about voodoo then you do and was just telling you nope thats how it works. You were the one who started crap saying "we're not all freaks like you" when all she did was try to share her knowledge. Yes your statement was "completely reasonable" but only "as far as" your "knowledge of voodoo goes." But instead of being like oh wow thats how it works you were like "You freak you know more!" She then told you again to do some research and said she is not a "freak bitch" just because she knows about it. And she also said "**** you." Which is not telling you "to have sexual intercourse with" yourself that would be "Go **** yourself." As far as your number 38 comment well that sounds like YOU. She never picked a fight with you, you did. She said thats how it works look it up. And your last comment #40 well "Today, I received a hateful response to one of my FML comments. This person proceeded to curse at me" (I'm adding the next part in case you cant tell) "and call me a "freak" for no reason other then I know more about the chosen subject then her." sounds like how her morning went. And as to bringing up her age, your profile says your 17 and you seem like a complete moron. High school education does mean something, not as much as college but it means something that you stuck through it to the end. And good go do something "relevant" because your the spiteful idiot who needs to leave, go look up voodoo become a master on the subject. You are obviously insecure when someone knows more then you.

xMooMoox 0

Oh and to the original poster I'm sure you will be able to switch rooms because of this. At least it wasn't your boyfriend or your mom! You can change roommates but you can't change the woman in which you grew inside of.

brodizzle 0

So everyone on this site believes in voodoo? Nice.

brodizzle 0

Today, I had to read 3 girls bitch at each other on what's supposed to be an entertaining site. FML

Wow, why are people arguing on here? Who really cares about the correct way to do voodoo? Point is, the OP's roommate is obviously mentally unstable and they mayy want to consider switching rooms. I love how 'to the point' this FML is haha. It's like 'nuff said.

may_cause_fail 0 least the semester should be nearly over? :D''' That's really creepy. Your roommate might need psychological help. D:

Report that as a death threat and they'll be expelled, if not arrested. And you can say sayonara to them :)

definitely fyl, because your roommate is a mixed bag o' nuts. eeeep!

run as fast as you can, also is he a different race than you

fireonice 0

WOW really? just dont go near ties and loose rope lol