By chi-huaHUA - 04/12/2010 07:08 - United States

Today, I walked outside to see my friend frantically waving and running at me, yelling something I couldn't understand. I smiled and started to jog over to him until I realized he was screaming "RUN!!!" We spent the next 10 minutes running from his neighbor's 5 vicious chihuahuas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 160
You deserved it 6 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im sorry vicious and chihuahua shouldnt be in the same sentence


sourgirl101 28

I hate people that can't watch their dogs and allow them to roam freely. The dog pound is coming for Fido and Frisky soon!

mintcar 9

You forgot to mention and name the other 3. :(

sourgirl101 28

Let's see. There's Hoopsie, Spike and Dusty! Those damn dogs with the stripper names.(:


The dog pound is coming, cmon people, read your comments before submitting them. If in fact the dog catcher is coming, you might want to stay inside.

sourgirl101 28

Just because "Spice Gold" is legal, doesn't mean you need to smoke it.

Aww how cute, did you pet them ?! .. who runs away from Chihuahuas anyways ?

JocelynKaulitz 28

yeah cuz they're big enough to knock you over or something.

oh my gosh vicious little rats!!!!! try a 130 pound rot chasing u down a country round. punk.

chihuahuas....vicious....chihuahuas....vicious...chi-I'm not seein' it.

tykiej 0

Why didnt you just kick the little landsharks?

You walked outside from where? Why didn't you just go back inside and call animal control? If the owner can't keep them in check, he/she deserves to have them taken away.

wDeemish 0

OP couldn't understand what was her/his friend yelling and did not know about the chihuahuas I guess :pp