By first time at McDonald's in months... - 27/03/2013 05:04 - United States

Today, I was at McDonald's. As I left the counter with the food, I heard the cashier mutter, "Fat ass." I turned around and demanded to see the manager. Once he came and heard the situation, he looked at me and said, "Well, it's not like he's wrong, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 237
You deserved it 19 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it was the 4 Big Macs, 3 large fries, 8 apple pies, and 2 ice creams that tipped them off. Oh, and the Diet Coke.

No matter how big OP’s order really was and no matter whether OP is obese or not, the comments by the cashier and his manager were simply unprofessional.


twaumat 28

or you can exercise and not eat at McDonalds.

Or she can exercise AND get a salad at McDonald's. Dumbass.

I was at Wendy's once in the drivethru and the employee was my peer in highschool who didn't like me so he decided to spit in my burger, and sabotage my soda by putting a combination of sodas and cofee in their to piss me off. I called the manager and reported him and I called corporate to make sure he never works their again. He was thankfully fired because I called corporate and they told the manager to do so. Point being don't let this kind of stuff get away just call corporate and they will take care of it.

I don't feel any pity for you since you were eating fast food especially McDonalds

being someone who works at a McDonalds', that would be an insta firing if any of my managers heard an employee saying that and the fact that a manager agreed with him too? see if you can get in contact with the owner if not, then i don't know what else to do

Wtf! I'm so sorry. When I hear about people who are so rude like this I lose a little more faith in humanity. Just think of it this way... Their lives are so void they project it onto others. Stay positive.

Anyone who thinks it's ok to hurt someone else based on their looks is silly and shallow. You know the saying, "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all?" Some of us learned this in kindergarten, along with please and thank you, etc. What he said was unkind, uncalled for, disrespectful, unprofessional and shows what kind of person he really is. Ugly inside. Just like a lot of posters on this site.

Korra_fml 23

oh wow... whether you're on the heavier side or not, and no matter what the reason no business has the right to treat someone that way. make a note of the store number and call corporate and complain.

GetPuckedUp 3

doesnt matter if the OP is fat or not....they're professionals who have no right to make comments like that. sorry OP =(

fdeg4161 13

I'd report them to their corporate office. Regardless of whether or not something is done about it, their behavior is simply rude and unprofessional.

onorexveritas 23

in months? where ya been going? taco bell? ... just kidding it was wide open!