By first time at McDonald's in months... - 27/03/2013 05:04 - United States

Today, I was at McDonald's. As I left the counter with the food, I heard the cashier mutter, "Fat ass." I turned around and demanded to see the manager. Once he came and heard the situation, he looked at me and said, "Well, it's not like he's wrong, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 237
You deserved it 19 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it was the 4 Big Macs, 3 large fries, 8 apple pies, and 2 ice creams that tipped them off. Oh, and the Diet Coke.

No matter how big OP’s order really was and no matter whether OP is obese or not, the comments by the cashier and his manager were simply unprofessional.


Even the manager has a boss. Call corporate and complain.

You should have choked him with that fat ass !

Op Should of just said my fat arse keeps your uneducated arse in employment how's it feel to be earning minimum wage ... They want to bitch beat them at their own game

azraelgirl09 4

If you write an email to corporate they will do something about both of them. I had an issue with a manager in mcdonalds too and she ended up being fired for too many customer complaints.

Okay I'm a big girl but considering if I was a paying customer it be bad to insult me because I never eat there again and warn friends and family not to eat there see how fast that branch goes out of business

There is someone higher than the Manager so report them both. Don't let anyone disrespect you.

Macdonalds and its customers have an unspoken understanding. They have to sell food and customers know they're fat.