By litterbox_girl - 19/08/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house while his plumbing was being redone. I really had to pee, but the toilet wasn't working, so I peed in his cat's litterbox. His cat got defensive, and started attacking me while I peed. My boyfriend walked in and saw the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 810
You deserved it 71 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Equinox987 0

Oh my gawd, what is wrong with you!

batman does not approve of peeing in litter boxes.


hahahahaha i think i just peed my pants a little

I think I just peed my catbox a little.

hahahaha! but also OP...why?! just use someone elses or the great outdoors.

ahahahaha!! ahhh, so funny. The world needs more people like you!

echarperouge 0

The hell is wrong with you? **** his life!

wellinever 5

On the contrary. You probably made his life. He now has a whole new fetish he can't get out of his head.

pinkuggs4ever 0

I can tell that you are one classy girl.

why was the cat in the restroom when you did that? uhh privacy anyone? especially if your boyfriend can see the whole thing?

fretforyerlatte 0

she was probably in the kitchen or something. lol.

blondiepants_ 0

Noone in their right minds who owns a cat would put the litter box in the kitchen. That would be so unsanitary, and if the OPs boyfriend did, well the OP's an idiot for dating him. Cat litter gets EVERYWHERE, regardless of how often you clean. The absolute last place you want a litter box is where your food is. Trust me, I have two cats, and I had two others.

ghostgirll 0

that's true, i didn't even think about that. you'd think that if you're gonna do something as weird as peeing in a litterbox, you'd at least lock the door.

Our litterbox was in the kitchen, but that was one cat, and it was kind of in the "closet" anyway. Our neighbours have several cats and theirs is in the kitchen.... it is not pleasant. But we wouldn't put it in the bathroom either. That's where people pee. We have a litterbox here in the garage, closed off from view, perfectly private for the cats (like they care lol... but we don't want to see it, that's for sure).

No, really. What's wrong with peeing in the litterbox? It's what it's meant for- bodily fluids and exrement. Is it really that big of a deal? She obviously had to go pretty bad, and had no time to ask a neighbor. Better in the litterbox than on the floor or in the sink.

americayay 0

that is what a litterbox is for: bodily fluids and excrement from a CAT. by your logic, she could've shit in the litterbox too. it's disgusting because she's just leaving her waste in random places like an animal expecting humans to clean it up. she probably could've just gone in the toilet and not flushed, which would have been far less gross. it doesn't say his toilet was missing or anything.

curryndricegirll 0

because the cat pees to mark it's territory, not because it "has to go"

do you think cats never have to pee? why is everyone so stupid?

Night22_fml 4

Are you thinking of doing #2 also?