By Anonymous - 11/08/2009 08:58 - United States

Today, I was at the pool, casually flirting with one of the lifeguards. He said that he would gladly give me CPR, in the event that I needed it. I laughed and thanked him, stating that it was a sweet idea, even though I wouldn't be needing assistance. I then choked on my bottled water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 937
You deserved it 44 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aw that's embarrassing. Hey sometimes I choke on my saliva :D.

mannix_fml 0

It was mean't to be, dum dum!


Really no FML, but still kinda funny ;)

gclunax 0

LMFAO!! Thts hilarious! So much for not needing assistance xD

doggie3 0

Ooh. That sucks. That happened to me one time. A little different, but pretty much the same. I hope he was nice about it.

annaattack 0

I thought CPR was meant for restarting someone's heart...?

Mouth to mouth resuscitation is a part of CPR.

letitbe56 0

How do you choke on water? Last I checked, liquids don't obstruct your airway when you swallow them wrong, it's just uncomfortable as hell.

caticaticati 3

Haven't you ever heard of people choking on their own spit? It's not a metaphor. I guess maybe 'choking' isn't the right word but it's not just uncomfortable, you start coughing and your body tries to push the liquid out of your airway, which is basically choking from what I understand.

I choke on my spit all the time, everyone thinks I'm crazy because I'm not drinking.

letitbe56 0

Ok, so I was thinking of choking as when your airway gets completely blocked and you need the Heimlich. But "choking" refers to the body's coughing reflex when foreign solids or liquids get into the windpipe. So whenever liquid goes down the wrong way you're technically choking. Interesting. Guess this is what I get for deciding not to go to med school.

wow, letitbe56, you are the first person I've seen on this site who hasn't gotten pissed off when they get corrected about something. good for you.