By Anonymous - 17/11/2011 14:06 - United States

Today, I was doing the reverse cowgirl with my boyfriend. I was on the way to a glorious finish when he pointed out that I had a pimple on my butt. He began to laugh so hard that he went soft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 695
You deserved it 6 084

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Shut-up, idiot. Your girlfriend thought you had a pimple until you pissed out of it.


miZscrZee 0

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Don't lie and pretend like you've never had one. You could get them from eating weird food too

I've never discovered one in that region.

The world is full of those who think they're perfect.

Yes because pimples don't come out of raging hormones it's purely hygiene -_-

It has little to do with how well you was yourself. Maybe I'm crazy but I never thought if using acne face wash on my ass, but I guarantee almost everyone has had a pimple on their ass at one point, even if they refuse to admit to it, or just didn't notice.

I'm guessing the butt pimple is more common than I thought. Thumbs here are amusing though, I apologize for my offensive anti-butt pimple comment. Generalizing statements be damned.

McAninch35 9

As someone who popped a butt pimple today, I take offense to that comment.

stacianichole 2

Acne is almost 100% hormonal, related to over-production of sebum. Had this debate with the BF not too long ago. Pretty unrelated to hygiene though if you shower once a week, that doesn't help.

stacianichole 2

P.S. mZcRzwhatever, you are a bitch.

dillies 3

Excuse me miss but you have a big ass whitehead on your nose so u shouldn't be talking.

I really dnt thnk u shuld b talkin lady, ur teeth look all jacked up and ur over here talkin abt a pimple!!! Wtf seriously, looks arnt evrythng and no one is perfect!! Im sure u have flaws regardless of ur pretty face( not so much tha teeth)!!!

#13.mzscrazzie!!! Ur a shallow grl who thnks her sht dnt stink for ur "DISGUSTING" ass comment, get a new attitude and outlook on life n stop bein so shallow like ur 100% perfect!! News flash,!!!no one is!!!

stacianichole 2

146 - don't be just as bad as she is by criticizing her appearance. Looks aren't everything, this chick's attitude is what's ****** up - not her teeth. Though that's one fake as hell expression in her face, isn't it? And I think that's a piercing on her nose, the placement is just awkward.

asia3pea90 13 sound soo stupid. I want you to shut the **** up right now. Your making yourself seem like a complete idiot it's not even funny.

That's when you dismount, turn around and laugh @ his "smallness" of being soft. Bet he won't laugh @ you again. :)

Yes, that will make your relationship better. Honestly, the occasional fit of laughter is inevitable when it comes to sex, and he can't really help going soft because of it. Have a laugh with him, then help him get ready again.

I bet he would...a guy doesn't take that shit personally knowing the girl is just trying to make him mad.

RedPillSucks 31

Laughter is inevitable during sex?

I'm sorry for you. And I've just spilled the beans.

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every1luvsboners 11

Shut-up, idiot. Your girlfriend thought you had a pimple until you pissed out of it.

You can get pimples from eating wierd food's too. Not everything involves hygiene. Don't be brain-washed by those proactive ads.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Exactly 42. Although I wouldn't say weird food, just improper for your body. People's tolerance of different foods varies. Also, a friend of mine gets them from riding a bike for longer periods of time, and I've heard a lot of other bike riders have that problem. Of course they have no hygiene problems.

NullPointer 20

I wouldn't even say improper food. Some people are just prone to getting acne, no matter what they do or what they eat. It's like being tall, or having green eyes. Some people are just that way. Stupid to blame it on bad hygiene, or even food.

daftPunKt 4
Torva_fml 16

Boners, I read your comment and burst out laughing in the doctors office.... Everyone was staring at me..... Look what you did!! o.o

yeah like I'm gonna take some face wash and fricken massage my ass with it!!!

Perfect reply, 22. Except you misspelled boyfriend.

Here's an idea 17, how about we strap you down and have Boners look for pimples on you?

If you're dirty you font get pimples you get krabs and herpes.

actually, dairy does cause acne. it's both food and hormones

I've been battling acne since 6th grade. I can tell you right now, it has everything to do with hormones and stress. And sometimes diet. And sometimes sweat/tight clothes. Everyone gets small outbreaks sometimes. No one is perfect. Even people with "perfect skin." Stop being insensitive.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

52, In my opinion, it's more stupid to just shrug and say some people are "just that way". There is a cause for everything. Just because some people might not have been able to pinpoint the cause of whatever ailment they have, does not mean there isn't one. Even normal physical characteristics, such as eyecolor, have a cause. That cause, however is not the same as the cause for impermanent conditions. Genetics might play a role in them, but for something like acne, all they can do is predispose you to having acne, but it can be prevented in one way or another. There's no one cure for all, unlike what the beauty industry would have you believe. It's different for EVERYONE.

dompa2011 0

Dude you are still pissing in your balls.

How immature. Everyone will have one at least once in their life. If not, they either haven't lived long enough, or they're an alien.

somerandomdude19 2

Hahahaha 15 thumbs up!! x) ohh the irony

McAninch35 9

Next person to thumb it up better sleep with one eye open

smoke_eater05 0

You should find yourself a man that knows how to finish what he starts...

At least he gave you an opportunity to go the full 8 seconds before failing to satisfy you