By Anonymous - 17/11/2011 14:06 - United States

Today, I was doing the reverse cowgirl with my boyfriend. I was on the way to a glorious finish when he pointed out that I had a pimple on my butt. He began to laugh so hard that he went soft. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 711
You deserved it 6 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Shut-up, idiot. Your girlfriend thought you had a pimple until you pissed out of it.


Laughing during sex is nothing to be ashamed of, children, nor is it a sign of immaturity. If you've never laughed because of that squishy noise that sweaty bodies can make during sex, then you obviously haven't had enough of it.

every1luvsboners 11

Doc, my girlfriend laughs every time I take my clothes off. This is normal, I shouldn't be ashamed.

Yeah Doc, you're absolutely right, but you have to admit that lauging during sex isn't much fun if you're almost reaching your ******, especially if you're a girl. Many of us don't climax easily, you know, and if your partner then laughs and goes soft - which can definitely be a big mood-breaker - then it's even harder to get an ****** again.

Or laughing so hard he goes soft when you're about to glorious finish. That's gotta be a real downer for her. I would have been upset. So close and yet so far :(

I giggle a lot because I'm ticklish in some parts and sometimes just from pure enjoyment. Laughing isn't a bad thing.

TheChad85 1

Sounds like u could use a hand! (insert cheesy porno music)

every1luvsboners 11

Are you related to Andy Dick? No joke, the two of you are twins.

mengetsu 2

I guess he took go die in a hole seriusly

every1luvsboners 11

I'm usually done and have paid my $2 fee before I have an opportunity to laugh at anything.

leadman1989 15

I don't see anything funny about bimples... this guy getting action and I'm at home on a Thursday morning. -_- FML

welandedonthemoo 5
dadof2 4

what is it with these soft guys in another post a guy turned down a BJ now a idiot is more interested in a pimple no wonder the lesbian population is growing

No one chooses to be lesbian. It's only growing because more people are coming out instead of hiding their true selves. :)

ShroomsOnAcid 16

The ignorant population, however, sadly remains the same.

jobsman99 0

Get off him. Take his penis into your mouth and give him a ******** till he is hard then hop back on and finish. You have earned a good ******

justanotherbird 19

Why is it her job to "earn an ******" while he is being a complete dick?

obviousboy 8

It is pretty difficult to maintain an erection when you're laughing your ass off.

perdix 29

He shoulda popped it and used the juice as lube.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Guuuuhhh!! My mental eyes just shriveled up and fell off.

perdix 29

Mine, too! That's why I had to share it -- I just couldn't bear the thought that I should have to endure this image all by myself. I wonder if it would have been worse had I used the phrase "sebum from the she-bum?"