By A.K. - 27/05/2009 12:40 - United States

Today, I was driving on the highway and a cop had his radar gun out. The woman in front of me panics and slams her brakes on, causing me to rear end her. The cop cited me for "tailgating" and I have to pay for the damages on both of our cars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 183
You deserved it 21 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats the technical definition of tailgating. If you're so close to the other car that in a situation in which the car in front of you suddenly breaks, and you rear end the car in front of you, that would be tailgating. Really, what do you think tailgating is if its not exactly the situation you're in now?

I cant stand people who slam on their brakes whenever they see a cop. Especially when the dudes on the other side of the highway


Maybe you shouldn't tailgate. Thats the best way I know of to not rear end someone.

kingbeau 0

#5 exactly what I was going to say, and anyone else who mentioned it also. That is pretty much the definition of tailgating. Imagine a world where you can get a tailgating ticket for tailgating! I simply swoon at the thought of it.

bittersweets 2

YDI! Always keep enough distance to not rear end someone who uses his brakes!

You wouldn't have rear-ended her had you not been tailgating... YDI

pappy1193 0

Keyword is HIGHWAY. Just because it is the Highway doesn't mean you need to go as fast as possible and ride someone's ass. FYL for the charges, but YDI for not driving correctly/safely.

you "rear-ended" her. that sounds fairly good to me.

You were tailgating or you wouldn't have hit her. You're not the only one on the road remember, you have to be prepared for people to make stupid moves like that or you're just as at fault as they are. Next time give yourself a few extra car lengths.

Your god damn fault. Keep an appropriate distance next time.

Uh, sweetie, I hate to break this to you, but if you hit her, you WERE tailgating. The point of staying 3 seconds behind a car is so that you don't hit someone when they slam the breaks. You know, like if there was an accident or something. So, YDI.

1 Car length per 10 MPH sir. Unless you were doing that and just fail so badly that you still hit the lady... >.>