By Anonymous - 25/06/2010 00:14 - United States

Today, I was eating chips with my father. After I finished eating a chip I felt something between my teeth, It was pubic hair. I soon realized my dad was scratching his testicles while eating chips. FML
I agree, your life sucks 97 964
You deserved it 6 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Coincidence that the OP happened to realise this, right after she ate a chip and "felt" pubic hair between her teeth? I call BS. And seriously. How many of you are under 12? Because you require sex-ed ASAP. You can't get pregnant by swallowing/touching/having semen in your mouth, or any other part of the body, apart from the obvious...

Your dad is an amazingly disgusting individual.

Whorrified 0

LAWL. I almost gagged reading that. xD Fyl.

DigOphelia 0

wow that's nasty, did you throw up?

evilbunnypao 0

ewwwwww FYL how it taste btw LOL

kbitchh 0
ilovejonathan13 0

That. Is. Disgusting. FYL for real.

shae4523 0

that is so freaking nasty!!!!!!! gross