By thisrllysucks - 05/09/2009 14:16 - United States

Today, I was going to ask this girl I love to homecoming. I set up a scavenger hunt, and my friend led her through it. At the end of the scavenger hunt I had a note that said, "Homecoming?" She said yes and hugged my friend. When I told her it was me who was asking, she laughed and said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 706
You deserved it 10 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just asked her instead of doing a scavenger hunt. And you should have led her on the hunt yourself at least. YDI

Ugh that's harsh. I'm sorry that happened.


YDI 100% plus homecoming is not right now its way later in the season....

scribblystories 0

Different time for different high schools. This is an average FML. People get rejected allthe time, big whoop. If I know anything about it, the person getting rejected makes it worse than it actually is.

sorry dude, you should have led her thru the Scavenger Hunt yourself, instead of getting your friend to do it. That way, she knows it was your idea, and that you are the one who put the effort into doing something like that, which actually does sound pretty cool. But hey, on the bright side, your friend owes you 1 now ;) Besides, you "love" her? That just sounds stalkerish, especially if she hardly knows you lol

how does one guage hotness? i mean on a level based system? I'm a level 48 hot guy, while that dweeb over there is only at level 17... loser... =P

Aw. That's terrible! You're so sweet and creative, and at least now you know she's not worth your time and energy. You deserve someone who will appreciate your kindness and not laugh in your face. I don't think you deserved it at all. All of these people saying you deserved it are just haters, it's nice to know someone out there still has a hint of romantic nature and creativity in them. Keep it up, you'll find the right person!

YDI. Don't involve another man, and don't do scavenger hunts.

Aww that sucks after all your efforts. But I think it is rather strange for you not to lead her through the scavenger hunt yourself.

bigcrazymike 6

Why was your friend the one to lead her thru the scavenger hunt? How did you think it was gonna happen? LOL You're lucky they didn't have sex on top of your note. FYL, but YDI.

liveandletlive89 0

I feel for you, OP. (most) girls suck, but there's always another. :)

dudeface 1

This site should just create an auto-filter that replaces "love" with "want to sleep with but have never actually spoken to." Don't worry, it gets easier after high school.

Aww your cute You can win over alot of girls like that.