By thisrllysucks - 05/09/2009 14:16 - United States

Today, I was going to ask this girl I love to homecoming. I set up a scavenger hunt, and my friend led her through it. At the end of the scavenger hunt I had a note that said, "Homecoming?" She said yes and hugged my friend. When I told her it was me who was asking, she laughed and said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 705
You deserved it 10 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have just asked her instead of doing a scavenger hunt. And you should have led her on the hunt yourself at least. YDI

Ugh that's harsh. I'm sorry that happened.


Xerosnake90 0

Another one of those messages starting off with 'the girl I love' and you aren't even dating this girl. The only thing that shows is that you're a ******* psycho stalker freak and need to get a ******* life!!!!

zee209 0

Romeo and Juliet was a play...It wasn't real. Don't base real life off of plays. This is supposed to be a reply to 63...

Why would you have a friend lead her through it?

Jennydew 0

I'd be flattered if someone did that for me. OP, you're better off without an unappreciative bitch like that.

liveitupx 0

Why are people saying that the girl is a bitch? So she didn't want to go to homecoming with OP, big deal. And she may have been laughing for several different the terrible planning to make it seem like the friend was asking her out. YDI just because you should've been the one leading her, so she would have at least known it was you asking her out.

BACUS666 0

YDI fort thinking you're in love with a girl you haven't even gone out with. Dumbass.

Hah! Lesson learned here: never do this again.

ziqi92 0

that idea isnt unheard of...i think the main problem here was that u had ur friend led her through it. nxt time, do the whole thing urself and have ur friends help u behind the scences rather than vice versa

Jonathan33 0

you should have taken her through the BK lair and talked to the guy in the yellow pancho. and then followed the treasure map to ur pathetic little note. a scavenger hunt? really?? get a life queer. YDI much?

icertainlysuck 0

harsh, but scavenger hunts are totally gay