By newlysingle - 14/12/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, I was going to propose to my girlfriend. I had been hiding the ring in the sock drawer. When I went to retrieve it, the ring was gone and in its place was a sticky note that said "NO." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 832
You deserved it 3 631

Same thing different taste

Top comments

juturnaamo 29

Is there any chance it could be from one of her parents?


asokathegreat 3

haha , maybe you didn't have the money and/or body . that's what females look for these days

juturnaamo 29

Just because you're broke and unattractive doesn't mean those are the reasons females turn you down. After all, you're also a dick.

You sound like such a great catch. Not.

I can't speak for all women, but I'd say they look for people who treat them as human beings rather than money- and sex-seeking automatons, but if that's too hard to find, maybe money or a nice body would be better than nothing. Or maybe not.

missamazinggg 12

Sue her for theft of the ring. Not her property.

icecreamdriveby 5

#27, do you not have an 'a' key?

put a sticky note on her that says "it wasnt for you, give me back(insert any eandom name here besde hers)ring. or i am taking you to judge joe brown.

Unless you two have had the conversation of where the relationship was going, and marriage was the conclusion, YDI. If anyone gets denied like this it's because the two people in the relationship haven't had this conversation and aren't on the same level.

Corilee13 7

The ring is his property until they actually get married. Even if he does propose and they end up not getting married she doesn't get to keep the ring. Get her ass arrested OP! It's plain ol' theft.

jessica232011 0

well sry to say but if they live together he cannot sue her for the ring. its a civil matter and that's what the police would say. it sucks but its the truth. but if she didnt live with you that's a different story. good luck

Doesn't matter if she refuses to give back the ring it is theft

It could be a prank from one of your friends....If it isn't then, that's just sad!! Talk to her though.. Goodluck :)