This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Chichensoup - 21/05/2010 02:33 - United States

Today, I was having an affair with a girl from my work. She scratched my back while we were doing it and I didn't want my wife to find out so I threw myself down the stairs at work and ended up having to go to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 699
You deserved it 275 706

Top comments

take_it_ez 0

YDI for cheating. and being that dumb. you could have just made an excuse, you don't have to throw yourself down the stairs! or even better, DIVORCE HER! if you don't want to be with your wife anymore, which obviously you don't, dont be a pussy! just get a divorce!


what does op nd antiflood mean? =)

BeautyMonster 17

OP = Original Poster and Anti Flood = Way to keep spam down during commenting.

Op = oversized pussy....and anti flood if an acronym for: stop ******* posting so much!!! :)

Damn you 44 have fun with the newbies ;)

you completely deserved it. that's what you get for cheating on your wife!!!

FYLDeep 25

Holy shit OP! It's like you're constantly trying to outdo your previous stupid actions. Would you solve a cigarette addiction by switching to crack-cocaine.?


Naw man, he's gotta do the Crystal Ice. Then he can blame the scratches on himself aaand it makes no sense at the same time. Not like he's making any in the first place. lol


errr, because it makes total sense to cover up a nicotine addiction with Meth is what I was trying to get at with the making no sense... I fail lol

if I ever became a cheater, I'd throw myself down some stairs too

you're a ******* pendejo. if you don't love your wife enough to remain faithful to her then divorce her n get it on with this other piruja. if you do have any feelings for your wife at all still tell her what u did pinche puta; and if she forgives then u should still ask for a divorce cause your sleazy ass knows your too much of a coward n will probably do the same shit over. once a cheater always a perdoza de mierda.

Dummy. That should teach you a lesson

YDI for being a retard and a cheater

bastard cheater, YDI, what's the point of posting this here :( you should tell your wife... she deserves to know