By Pottymouth - 25/07/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, I was having really bad diarrhea. I sat down on the toilet and heard a plop, thinking it was just me going to the bathroom. After I was finished, I look in the toilet to see my iPhone sitting in a pool of diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 036
You deserved it 24 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can't figure out how to keep your phone out of the toilet by now, don't bring it into the bathroom with you.

iPhone's are great, they just are being pissy because they don't have one


mister_moops 0

you're a moron on so many levels. first of all, i don't understand how the iphone fell upwards from your pants where it most likely was and into the toilet. second, i also fail to understand how you don't know when you shit and just assume it's you when you hear things.

I moderated this and said no just because you suck at spelling

anyone who says YDI because he has an iPhone you are obviously either jealous or just a moron. FYL.

Jimbo2000 0

How the hell can the iPhone fall into the toilet. Did you poop it out?

Thats just gross. you know how much bacteria will be on your iPhone? FYL

It could have fell out of the OP's pocket as he was pulling down his pants

it could have fallen in right when he took his pants down, duhhh my phone has fallen in that way too. but ahh man that's disgusting. hope you washed your hands after you got it out

deaditegirl 0

YDI for being too stupid to keep your phone out of the toilet. It's not hard.