By f*ckingdisgusted - 27/08/2011 01:13 - United States

Today, I was installing updates on my 16 year old daughter's laptop, when I got the urge to snoop around. I found a 5,000 word sex story involving her and the Edward and Jacob weirdos from the Twilight movies. I can't even look her in the eyes. I can't believe I raised this freak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 696
You deserved it 56 817

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lol! Don't go snoop around her stuff! But that is weird...


The__Redneck 7

I think the issue is not that at16 she's having fantasies, but that at 16 she's having completely ******-up fantasies. There's a difference between "*sniffle* my little girl's growing up" and "What the hell ~is~ that thing--is that a GEARSHIFT on it??" Meanwhile, explain to your daughter that there's no way she'd hook up with either of them, much less both, unless she's a pretty manly-lookin' girl.

jdawg2010 0

....ydi for snooping around you a-hole.

The__Redneck 7

I'm not sure how you can make a story about sex with the Twilight characters "better."

holly_41611 0

YDI for snooping around and that's really mean to say about your own daughter. I'm sure she's not weird besides that story you found so that's really harsh

For all the people freaking out and saying that parents can't snoop, etc... YES, THEY CAN. They're not legal adults, and let's be honest, you'd do the same damn thing to your own kids. My parents gave me a decent amount of space, but they weren't above sneaking through my shit if they suspected something was up. I mean, they never did (to my knowledge, but I kept my drinking to a minimum and didn't do drugs while I lived at home), but it's not like I didn't expect it to happen.

suitgirl5 5

I am so glad someone else here shares my thoughts

I understand that while curiosity may have gotten the better of you, that didn't give you the right to go through your daughter's personal files. I'll admit that I write fanfiction (not Twilight though, that would be like listening to Justin Beiber music - that comparison speaks for itself) and while it would only be rated at a T for mild swearing I would still feel embarresed if my parents ever read it, although they wouldn't feel that I was a 'freak' for writing it, I would still be upset if they read it without my knowing. And anyway, as a teenager she has to right to explore her personal if somewhat different sexual fantasies. If you could see half the stuff that boys her age like to look at on the internet you would think very differently. I know of people that watch videos of girls doing 'things' in cups. I think that you'd much rather she wrote PRIVATE stories (for her eyes only) than wathching some of the videos out there today.

hahahah12 0

It was wrong of you to snoop in the first place.

That's your daughter and don't look at our generation look at the one who raised us!

Your a little weird for counting out 5000 words

MissKrissy 5

It's posted on the document in like 95% of computer typing programs