By fml - 12/08/2011 06:14 - Canada

Today, I was lying in bed with my boyfriend, telling him how much I loved him. His answer? "Less lovin' more humpin'." This happens every single time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 857
You deserved it 30 578

Same thing different taste

Top comments

silly_kitten 9

That's when you say "Less humpin' more dumpin'."


Then click "I agree, your life sucks"... That's a pointless comment.

fredforever_fml 0

And that is when you dump his sorry ass

Thats when you say " You only in this relationship for the sex too"

tecktonik123 0

that's stupid then why would she express her feelings rather than get it on ? FAIL -_-

Either take the hint, or try talking to him about what you both want from the relationship and/or check that he's not just kidding around thinking he's been cute with that response.

fliplover 8

If you didn't leave his loser ass after he said that to you the second time, you are a doormat with no self esteem who deserves the crappy treatment he is giving you! No sympathy here...

sourgirl101 28

*SINGS* More than words is all you have to do to make it real Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 'Cause I'd already know

russianspy1234 11

And the fact that you keep humping AND keep saying you love him is only serving to reinforce this behavior, both with you and with the next girl he dates.

Panther1983 0

Less lovin, more humping. And while your at it make him a damn sammich female

It is amazing how many women fall in love with an imaginary version of their boyfriend. They seem to confuse "cool and confident" with "a-hole that uses you".

perdix 29

Next time you feel like talking, just shut up and go make a sammich. Either resign yourself to a vow of silence, or try to trade up to a non-asshole.