By Anonymous - 24/02/2012 19:18 - United States

Today, I was posing in front of the mirror, when I realized that everyone who looks at me can easily tell which arm I use to masturbate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 746
You deserved it 37 974

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bnutts 4

Well. Use your other arm, problem solved.

Wow..if you can actually see a difference it's time to get a girlfriend or at least a hobby..


Say your other arm had surgery when you were little and it stayed like that ever since and that it's amazing it even grows

CaptainPickles72 18

That is so offensive, sir! I had to have surgery on my arm when I was younger, and it has ruined my life! You do not know how much I have to go through EVERY single day of my life.I am too embarrassed to even leave the house due to this horrible disfigurement because everywhere I go, people stare... ... but then again, that could just be because I'm a talking pickle.

ImSoEffedUp 10

Dang, start switching it up dude....

Hey look at that body You work out~ Jiggle jiggle jiggle when you wiggle that shlong

Mr_Que_Dijo23 5

Damn I wonder what his secret is... Haha He should make a routine video and make millions... Just an idea haha

marpay 11

Pretty sure there are millions of those kind of "workout" videos on the web.

84- Actually, they Did market such a public appropriate routine and workout device. They called it The Shaker Weight if I remember correctly. You get a heavy phallus that get to pretend to double-fist ********** at your own face. It's pretty bad, even for an info-merical product. :p

sufidonor1987 0
perdix 29

Purchase a tennis racquet and tell people you play as a cover story. For those who suggest switching hands, it's not easy -- it feels like you're cheating on your good hand!

bizarre_ftw 21

Tell your good hand you're looking for an open relationship

perdix 29

Do I look like Newt Gingrich? I never discussed exclusivity with Righty, so if I want to have a fling with Lefty, that's my business. I do put Righty behind my back to spare her feelings;)

i have that same arm muscle. but its from slapping the bass. not jerking it

umm.. haha am i the only one who's wondering why a guy was 'posing in front of the mirror'..?