By Misunderstood Waitress - 06/11/2012 22:37 - United States
Same thing different taste
By brhorton02 - 06/04/2009 14:42 - United States
Just the tip
By Anonymous - 28/06/2009 18:43 - United States
Sharing is caring
By goin4broke - 07/08/2009 15:23 - United States
By ismerf19 - 22/12/2010 00:05
Little *****
By MLZ - 30/07/2010 20:00 - United States
Always tip generously
By Fuck you guys! - 15/08/2023 06:00
By lolowills - 14/11/2016 03:20
By WaitedOut - 03/10/2012 08:07 - United States - Saukville
Child labor
By great parenting pal - 11/08/2020 02:01
By Anonymous - 06/09/2021 13:59
Top comments
??? That is why tips are usually included in the bill for large party.
Question is how hard did you really work to provide excellent service to this table? Or did u provide shitty service and still expected a pretty tip?! Just saying
That sucks dick. You should have gotten a slap on the wrist if anything... Unless of course you suck as a waitress... In which case ydi.
Probably the Britishness spekaing in me here, but why should they OWE you a tip? Plenty of other people get paid min wage in thankless jobs and they get nothing. You should be glad for even a small tip, YDI.
Servers don't make minimum wage. When I was a server I made $2.75/h. Minimum wage at the time was something like $7. It is legal in the US for servers to make less than minimum wage because tips are supposed to make up the difference.
Throwing the coins wasn't the best idea, but .50...really? Those people are assholes, plain and simple. If people want to use the excuse of "maybe they're not used to the custom of tipping", then why would they put down even 50 cents instead of nothing? Putting something in the "tip" space clearly implies that they know a number is supposed to go there. The only way I'd justify giving that low of a tip is if the waitress was absolutely terrible. I personally think we should do away with the tipping system and just pay servers a fair wage. It should not even be legal to pay someone only $2/hour in this country. **** that.
Call me crazy, but if you don't give me good service, you're not getting much of a tip. If you give me /bad/ service, you're going to get a deliberately insulting tip. If you throw my coins back at my head you're not just going to lose your job, but probably a few teeth as well. And then, in the US, I'm going to sue the **** out of your former employer and win.
You're technically correct. It's not assault. It's battery. Assault is the threat of violence, and if you don't see it coming (like a sucker punch or coins to the back of the head), then you can't legitimately call it assault. But battery, that's the violence. It doesn't matter what kind of damage it can cause. What if the patron was turning and caught it in the eye and was blinded? OP did mention the coins were thrown /at the head/.
I think OP deserved it BUT only because she seems surprised that she got fired for doing that. I mean, seriously? Of course you'd get fired! I work at a restaurant (I host, I could never serve), thankfully the rule is that for groups of 8 or more there's automatically a tip added on to the bill, and trust me I've had people scream at me and the managers because they didn't even want to tip the 18% that we add on. People suck, yes.. but then again... OP could've been a shit server. I've been hosting for 2 years and I've seen sooo many servers that are complete assholes and then bitch about not getting good tips.
They were dicks. You were a bigger one.

they probably should've left a better tip, but at the same time you can't throw quarters at a customers head and not expect to be fired.
For them to leave only 50 cents it was clearly as an insult to the waitress imo.