By Misunderstood Waitress - 06/11/2012 22:37 - United States

Today, I was waitressing for a huge family. Their bill was $750. Excited about the tip, I was shocked to see only $0.50. As they were leaving, I threw the two whole quarters at their heads. Guess who also got fired today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 740
You deserved it 49 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

secretsymbiote21 5

they probably should've left a better tip, but at the same time you can't throw quarters at a customers head and not expect to be fired.

Helldemon 32

For them to leave only 50 cents it was clearly as an insult to the waitress imo.


cmb8280 24

Good for you! I'd have thrown a hell of a lot more than quarters!!

OP, you deserve to be fired. To anyone who says that the family should've tipped more, and without tips they make poor money, so what? If money is bad in your job, and not worth it, quit. It's not my fault you accepted a job with bad pay.

Kelishas 9

As frustrating as that situation was, you let the customers go and then rant and rave to you co workers in private once they're gone. Plus I'm not sure what possessed you to throw things at them..if you had to do something why not "thanks for the tip". Which could at least come off as "genuine"

noisebox 1

I still think it was worth it, they were cheap losers. Did you hit them in the head with the coins? I hope so....

BreeMichels 4

So she threw 2 quarters at them, so what? They're quarters... The worst they probably did was bounce off the customers clothes. No, it's not right to throw things at anyone, but I honestly think the customers deserved it. Most of a waitresses salary is based on tips, if the family could pay over $700 for the meal, they're really just asking for a confrontation by only leaving a $0.50 tip. She worked her ass off to take their orders, make sure their food was made exactly how they requested, had it served to them right away, and made sure they had the best service possible. For hours too, since the bill was so high. If I was her, I would've been extremely pissed, they would've got more than 2 little quarters thrown at them. FYL OP. I hope you can find a better job.

You can tell most of the people commenting on this either do not live in the US or have not been in food services industry. It's hard. That's why we go to school, so we don't end up there.

Most restaurants add a gratuity automatically for large orders,

You're not a Misunderstood Waitress, you're just a bad customer server.

You're ******* retarded. Hopefully natural selection takes it's course and eliminates you