By Misunderstood Waitress - 06/11/2012 22:37 - United States

Today, I was waitressing for a huge family. Their bill was $750. Excited about the tip, I was shocked to see only $0.50. As they were leaving, I threw the two whole quarters at their heads. Guess who also got fired today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 740
You deserved it 49 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

secretsymbiote21 5

they probably should've left a better tip, but at the same time you can't throw quarters at a customers head and not expect to be fired.

Helldemon 32

For them to leave only 50 cents it was clearly as an insult to the waitress imo.


cajekraze 7

You should not have thrown it. You calmly hand it back and say, "Here, you obviously need this more than I do"

robert76 5

Yeah, only do that if you want to get fired. The proper response is to just pocket the change and move on. Like it or not, a gratuity is not required. Yes, not giving one is a jerk move, but it's not required so you have no right to retaliate against a lack of or a substandard tip.

They are assholes, even if you'd given them terrible service they should still tip at least 10%. That said you should risk your job acting like child.

Sorry, but tips are earned, not required. There is no reason to reward bad service with a tip.

crazy4uboi 6

I understand that you were frustrated that they gave you a small tip but don't you find it a tad childish to throw them? Sorry op but I'm on yours bosses side, you kinda asked for it.

ruthlessmofo 0

I would have done the same thing.

I used to not tip servers only because I did not know they only made $2.13 an hour, at least they do in Kansas. I then got a job as a server and now I have a bad habit of "over tipping" even when I get horrible service. I know that when I worked at Ruby Tuesdays they had a rule that if their was a party of 8 or more you could place a 10% gratuity on the ticket via the ordering screen. You should have yelled "you cheap motherfuckers, I only make $2.13 an hour". I hope you at least hit those cheap ass pieces of shit and left bruises.

CountMango 5

Tips are earned, not deserved. Maybe she was a bad waitress?

Isn't gratuity included for large parties? It's a guaranteed tip. Extra tip beyond that requires exceptional service.

plantfood 4

This is what I hate about waiters/waitresses, tips used to be something to work for and serve as motivation to actually do a good job and now it's just expected.

The customers completely deserved it. No one should work for free (which is what you ended up doing). Thankfully, waiting jobs are the easiest jobs to find! Good luck with your job hunt!!! Craigslist has been really helpful for me when searching for a new waiting job.