By Eyesore - 16/04/2009 21:27 - United States

Today, I was walking back to my home in the city in the dark. I'm paranoid, so when I saw movement behind me I clutched my mace. The faster I walked, the closer the person seemed to be. I spun around and sprayed my attacker with mace. It was my shadow and the wind blew the mace back into eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 196
You deserved it 86 617

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is mace? Like pepper spray? I'm assuming it's not the spiky club I'm thinking of, lol.

Well, I guess you showed your "attacker" lol. I hope the mace was not too bad though. =)


JustAndrew79 0
irishfever 0

I really do sympathize! I'm overly paranoid too... Where can I get some mace? haha

Yes moron.....Major Moron....however, #19, maybe the shadow when walking under orange street lights? (She so DI!) - could have been an innocent passerby too!

obvious_answer 0

Errm, if there were street lights everywhere's, this could be somewhat possible...but then you would have to assume that your persuar (idk how to spell that, hope that's right :D) fell in a black hole every 30 seconds, all in all...this sounds like; a) you'd jump off a bridge if told to do so. or b)this is made up. I'd believe either one.

skierguy 0

Haha, wow you suck. Despite what the news may tell you, the whole world is not out to get you and there is not a rapist behind every bush.

#20 It's not unreasonable to carry pepper spray. More often than not you're not going to have the oppertunity to defend yourself in the ways that they teach in self defense classes. Much better safe than sorry.

BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!! That's what you get for being overzealous with your mace

What happens if it was just some one trying to pass you or was in a rush? Hope some one sues for assault next time you do that.

#16 - LOL touche #18 - LOL also touche #19 - just plain LOL

I've been playing too much Oblivion. I was like, "You have a mace?!" Took me until "spray" to figure out what you meant. I thought you meant the blunt, spiked weapon.