By Ouch - 17/03/2010 16:16 - United States

Today, I was walking down the hallway when someone opened a door, smashing it into me. The bump makes it look like I have a third boob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 283
You deserved it 3 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fail for OPs boobs being so small that the door could hit her and give her a third boob

Dismissal 4


killabeast1 0

insanley small **** like just nips?

jamie_leeann23 0

how wld you get a bump right there? I dnt think thts possible, a bruise maybe I dnt think a bump..

Kylias 6

Either it's a big bump or you have itty *******.

EmDizzle2007 28
thatoneGeo 0

yeah I guess it's just

vacantdreamer 0

YDI for making the walls jeolous.

xxkiwixx5623_fml 0
i_heart_boobies 0

prove 2 us all that u have three boobs ;)

omgwtffmmfl 0

Girls with tiny boobs always have cuter butts

Peacemaker9 7

#26 u got a point there but it's better wit a bigger chest and great ass in my opinion......but I respect ur view point nonetheless.......

I dispute that. Yeah, you are perfectly free to like a small boobs, good bum combo, go ahead. But I know plenty of girls with big boobs with good arses too, as well as small boobs/ saggy or flat arses. And vice versa. Generalisations like that are the thing that make some girls hate themselves for being 'wrong'. No offence or owt, I just have sister with a messed up body image, even though she's what most guys would think of as perfect.

madmonkeykilla 0

my gf not exactly big but she has a very fine ass so I'm happy with that. op you deserve it for not wearing a push up