By Jeff - 25/08/2009 17:09 - United States

Today, I was walking out of a bar when someone grabbed me by the throat, and slammed me against a wall, saying "Stop fooling around with my wife, because next time - I'll kill you." I'm gay and haven't been with a woman since 1985. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 474
You deserved it 7 058

Same thing different taste


curryndricegirll 0

FYL. just hang out at a gay bar, and you'll never have that problem again

echarperouge 0

Isn't there a bridge somewhere that you're supposed to be gaurding?

You can stand up for what you believe in and still be a dumbass.

alexman6364 0

buy a gun and get a carry permit.

That's very similar to the one about that big guy telling some guy to stop following his girlfriend home from school but they were neighbours. FYL if this happened, GFY (go **** yourself) if you made it up.

FreakOnaLeash 0

You should die for being a fag.

"You should die for being a fag." you should die for saying that.

OhgodNeinna 1

I'm surprised you managed to find the comment button with a mind like your's. As for the story, you'll probably never see him again (as people have stated) so it isn't an FML, but you did nothing to deserve it. A "Geez, that sucks." button would be useful on things like these.

you should die for being straight. it works both ways, bitch.

RAMBabyyy 0

Aliabbiss and Screwtaylor, take your ignorance elsewhere. #19, there is more than one kind of bar. Hooka bar, oxygen bar, etc. But yeah, I get what you're saying, since it was pretty apparent what kind of bar OP was at. But yeah, not too big of a deal, OP. These things happen. At least he didn't get more aggressive then that.

RAMBabyyy 0

FreakOnaLeash and Colonel_crunk, I have just added you to the chain of ignorance. Congrats. Keep 'em coming, ladies and gents!

djb23 0

everyone knows gay guys are just either too shy or ugly to get with girls so they have sex with each other... come on.. EDIT: did I make the chain?

echarperouge 0

Can't you try a little harder? Come on, where are your made up religious convictions? Or a sob story about being diddled by an uncle? FYL for being too incompitent even for internet trolling.

Obviously. If you aren't smart enough to see that I'm not very surprised you are such an ignorant asshole

djb23 0

god damn, all of you need to lighten up. it was a joke. pretending to be outraged at FML comments isn't gonna get those sticks out of your asses any sooner.

Lightening up doesn't make bad jokes funny. Sorry.