By doesntkissalot - 28/08/2010 16:19 - United States

Today, I was watching TV when a Dentyne gum commercial came on and stated that the average person spends more than 20,000 minutes kissing. I've spent less than three. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 336
You deserved it 6 082

Same thing different taste

Top comments

luigisf 0

10-that is right about...a *****. you're too young.


ken328 0

have you counted your relatives kisses?

alexaluvee 0

oh boohoo. I've spent 0 seconds kissing and I've bern able to keep myself together. YDI for being ungrateful

Erindub 0

Aww...I pity you. Everytime that commercial comes on my boyfriend grabs me and kisses me.

Erindub 0

to Muffinkitty...its special when you're with someone whi IS special and worth matter how many times you've kissed someone or slept with someone before. Trust me

god i hate seeing all the ******* 15 year olds on here acting like they know dick about life.. high school isn't the ******* real world, what you have to say doesnt matter. what i have to say doesn't matter, but i know that, and hate everyone. OP, don't feel bad nigga, someday you'll meet someone worth spending 20,000 minutes on. just be glad you haven't wasted that much time on a relationship that hasn't worked out.

skyttlz 32

I'm 16 and I've probably spent a lil over an hour

hannahispiiimp 0

well same here. but i'm a freshman. but that would suck if you were like old... hahah i'm sorry..

Well then SxyDinosaurRAWR, that means that you're a ****. You're only 14 you hoebag.

Society is so ridiculously obsessed with love it makes me want to live in the middle of nowhere for the rest of my life.