By Anonymous - 21/10/2014 15:49 - United States - Bedford

Today, I was woken up by my dog touching my foot, so I tried to push it away. Then I realized that I'd kicked my girlfriend in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 823
You deserved it 7 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When you tickle someone you have to be prepared for the consequences...


I think this has been asked but why is your girlfriends face next to your feet? Sucks for your girlfriend .

I think they were sleeping face facing toes for a special reason, like.... 69?

Brings a whole new meaning to sleep eating ...

never push your dog away, it loves you more than your girlfriend ever will!!!

Okay, Billy. No sex though, but it could help you pick up chicks.

I hope you had anal to make her feel better

nikojhavlin 12

I find it strange your girlfriend was at your feet

It's not completely strange. His girlfriend could just move around a lot in her sleep. I will go to sleep sometimes facing north and wake up facing south.

Just apologise, don't see how your life is ******.

Was she licking your foot and you thought it was your dog's nose or something?

ostfaiz 18

naah! he just elaborated the pythgorus theorem .lol

ostfaiz 18

looks like you and the dog will be rooming together for awhile

She just wanted to help bury his bone