By hatemyjob - 25/02/2010 22:29 - United States

Today, I was working as a cashier at a restaurant. When I receive $50 and $100 bills I am required to have a manager check to make sure they are not counterfeit. Every manager I found yelled at me to find another manager because they were busy. Frustrated, I just accepted the bill. It was fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 582
You deserved it 6 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is your managers' faults for not paying attention to you. I hope you didn't get in trouble because of them.

NGM_47 0

I bet the person that gave you the money was pretty nervous too, in hopes that they wouldn't get caught. FYL.


Polionixon 2

Shitty thing about this is you know they are going to sit there and blame u for the whole thing. Blah i hate managers!

caligal14 0

I have to check all 50s and 100s too but we have a special little marker we use to run it over the bill. Maybe now your managers will invest in one? It saves a lot of time

That really ******* sucks. I know that feeling though because I'm a front cashier at a fast food place. They do the same damn thing to me, so I just wait patiently at my register until someone checks it. I know they will eventually come because they don't want to piss a customer off. FYL, I'm sorry they did that.

The managers should be sacked, its their own damned fault,

It's not your fault they were 'too busy' to scan the bill.

Why didn't YOU check it? It's not rocket science.

Erniesduck123 0

Yes, but what Ashley is trying to say, is that after none of the managers would help her, why couldn't she look for herself. Instead of being an idiot and just accepting it, hold it up to the light and check the watermark, see if the president's faces match, use one of those markers, anything! It sounds like she didn't do anything aftershe couldn't get a manager to help, which is why it's her fault. You're saying that she can't check it herself, so when a manager was unavailable she just has to accept it without trying to discern its authenticity herself?

How hard is it to check the bill yourself? Hold it up to a light and check if it has a watermark on both sides. While you're holding it up to the light, there's a thin strip that should also appear. On the front, the number on the bottom right-hand corner changes color depending on what angle you view it at. There's also fine print somewhere on the portrait (varies from bill to bill). In addition, the paper has what look like tiny bits of blue and red string embedded in it. By the way, the bills are actually printed on cotton fiber paper, which feels different from normal paper (and is illegal to manufacture, sell, or own). If you can't be bothered to check at least two or three security features, then YDI.

Hate to say this, but a lot of standard cashier training lacks the training to detect fakes. This includes money, AND ID's, actually. I wouldn't mind a little extra training in things like that, but unfortunately, Walgreens can't be bothered. Actually, people also fake coupons. Yeah, you read that right. Its ridiculous. And with the ability to print coupons off the internet now, who knows if its legit or not. Not to mention people making fake credit cards? Oy, the list goes on. And we aren't formally taught how to detect any of this. If we get a lesson at all, its "Hey, by the way, do this." and then the manager leaves. I can't wait to get a different job...

I know that feeling. I actually taught myself to detect fake bills. Managers there really don't tell you anything. I get my info from my coworkers. Stupid...

it can't be illegal to own cotton fiber paper, because most paper these days, including basic computer paper is made of cotton.

Took about 2 seconds with google before I found a dozen places to buy cotton fiber paper, ranging from 20% to 100% cotton. And it's impossible to make something that can't be conterfeit. If one machine can print it, then so can another.

Good call. I should have specified that it's illegal to buy or sell the exact kind of paper US money is printed on. Plus, the exact composition of the paper and ink are secret.

why should you have to go on a manager hunt? what a waste of time, your job is dumb they should have those pens where you just mark the bill & if it turn red its fake & if not then you're all good.

Not necessarily. As someone pointed out above, some people modify real bills so that they appear to be a larger amount than they actually are. The marker would still detect that as a real bill. Also, counterfeiters have found a way to make paper that gets around them.