By hatemyjob - 25/02/2010 22:29 - United States

Today, I was working as a cashier at a restaurant. When I receive $50 and $100 bills I am required to have a manager check to make sure they are not counterfeit. Every manager I found yelled at me to find another manager because they were busy. Frustrated, I just accepted the bill. It was fake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 582
You deserved it 6 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is your managers' faults for not paying attention to you. I hope you didn't get in trouble because of them.

NGM_47 0

I bet the person that gave you the money was pretty nervous too, in hopes that they wouldn't get caught. FYL.


lifessoundtrack 0

@35 - it's the job of the managers to know how to recognize counterfeits, not the duty of the cashier... the OP was probably never taught how to check if a bill is fake or not.

If no-one could check it, why not just tell the customer that you weren't allowed to accept it and ask if they had anything smaller?

b1a2n3a4n5a6s 0

When that happened to me, I just handed the bill back to the customer and sad "I'm sorry sir, but I can't accept this bill unless a manager checks it or I can be fired, and none of the managers will take five seconds to come verify this. Is there anything else you'd like to pay with?" Customer paid with debit, asked me what managers were working, then called the store owner and reported the managers. The store owner then came in and royally bitched them out. It was -hilarious-. I wasn't going to accept the bill because we -have- to have a manager check high bills. When they count the drawers/safe later, if they find an unaccounted for high bill, people can and have been fired over that.

For the win. This is exactly what should've happened. :)

Asstazztic 8

shit how many managers do u have? :P lol

PentiumBawls8 0

The managers are probably not even trained to decipher real currency from fake. It's actually everyones responsibillity to make sure they can discern real from fake. It's not a hard thing to do. A lot of people have a tendancy to believe old 100 bills are fake. Or 50s. If you want to go ahead and believe it's fake, take two things into consideration. Micro printing is very difficult to replicate. Well, i'm sure you would understand the pigmentation aspect of it lol

"The managers are probably not even trained to decipher real currency from fake...It's not a hard thing to do." What on Earth are you even talking about? Managers HAVE to know, and as you pointed out, it's not hard to distinguish between the real and the fake. Why are you assuming they wouldn't know? I'm not following this "logic."

PentiumBawls8 0

Right, they have to know. But do they? Some are just lazy to even look at vital security features. They will look at them and and overlook it like they usually do. That's why I say managers are overrated.

sbjess 8

sounds like lack of training at your probably SHOULD know how to check but if they are too lazy to train you right it's their own damn fault

perdix 29

YDI for getting all of the managers to hate you. The "customer" who passed the bogus bill is probably one of the managers' buddies. Chew on that when you're eating gubbermint cheese.

BikerMike 0

the managers did not want to take time to look at the bill, hope they did not blame you.

ShallowWerewolf 0

YDI for not knowing how to check a counterfeit bill and for not following procedure

But OP did follow procedure, it's not their fault if the managers were too preoccupied to check the bill.

She didn't follow procedure because she didn't wait. If they are busy, she needs to make the customer wait. It's bad business, but then it's the manager's fault. If I had called one manager already, I would have told that manager that the other one said they were too busy, and continued to call managers until I've called them all and then the first one again. Let them fight it out. And if the customer leaves without paying, then it's still not her fault. That's when you call the managers again and tell them the customer left without paying.