By asstomouth - 29/05/2010 18:20 - France

Today, I wasn't feeling well, so I took my temperature with a thermometer from my sister's bathroom. I later found out that I actually used my sister's rectal thermometer. At least I don't have a fever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 123
You deserved it 9 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yatoast 0

******* VOM... I'm a nurse and that's just gross!!!!

Rectal thermometers? Don't even want to know.


Sickkid97 5

so I took a thermometer from my sisters bathroom that screams ydi

sw33th3art 3

602 349 674.... figure it outtttt

musefan99 0

how did ur sisters ass taste

Wow, I wonder why your sister even has a rectal thermometer. Thanks for the laugh! FYL.

couldn't you tell is tasted like ass???

feenicks 0

well… how ya feelin' now?

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

ydi for using someone elses thermometer.

greeneyed_user 0

Why the hell would someone us a rectal thermometer when they could use a normal one?

YDI for not checking. Disgusting though.