By asstomouth - 29/05/2010 18:20 - France

Today, I wasn't feeling well, so I took my temperature with a thermometer from my sister's bathroom. I later found out that I actually used my sister's rectal thermometer. At least I don't have a fever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 123
You deserved it 9 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yatoast 0

******* VOM... I'm a nurse and that's just gross!!!!

Rectal thermometers? Don't even want to know.


Shystai 0

Lmao. Rectal thermometer, 

haha lmao does your face look like your ass

yes you can tell the difference. rectal thermometers have a rounded red tip. while oral have a blue tip. and armpit is the most unacurate temp reading. you should try something else.

looks like yo sis likes putting stuff in her ass ;)

Amystika 0

you deserved this for being a dumbass about the different coloring. red thermometers are always rectal.

Whatever happened to the good old fashioned armpit thermometers ?

tati21293 0
NickK49 0

I wonder where you put it...... DE DA DU

1LL337 0

YDI for having unsanitary practices. Why would you take any thermometer that isn't yours and put it in your mouth?