By Lady Cuntsnatch of Fallopia - 04/01/2015 01:30 - United States - Yuba City

Today, I went into labor and got my husband drive me to the hospital. Instead of staying by my side, he rushed back home for a World of Warcraft raid. His excuse? His friends were counting on him and they'd be pissed if he let them down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 271
You deserved it 5 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

You can always have another kid. But that WoW raid will never happen again.


Babies come and go but the glory of a raid lasts forever.

He's going to miss the birth of his child :/

OH...MY...GOD. Wow, if that was my husband, I'd chew him out, kick his ass (and his testicles), then kill him, and bring him back to make him clean up the mess. This is another reason World of Warcraft sucks. Just...ugh! This one makes me physically and mentally ill.

The game isnt the problem. The social circles that form while playing the game actually are. Putting an activity with friends over the birth of a child is.

never mess with a mans wow, buut in this case log onto his acc and sell all his armor. then proceed in giving all his money

break the computer, or reset his account :D

you should guilt trip him to tell you the real reason.

TallMist 32

Or maybe it is the real reason?

I don't get all the hate? Children come and go but no raid could ever be the same..

You were counting on him, and he wasn't there. You should be pissed.