By toastedguy - 01/12/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, I went on my first date in a long time. We went to see "New Moon." After the girl stole my hat, I grabbed her phone. While trying to get it back, she held a lighter to me, threatening me. Next thing I know my beard is on fire, so not only did I have to sit through horrible acting, I got burnt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 659
You deserved it 13 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rellich 0

I want to say, "YDI," but no one deserves a psycho bitch like that...


What do you expect from someone who wanted to go to see "New Moon?" YDI for having shitty taste in women AND movies.

^This. Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth.

^This. Thank you for taking the words right out of my mouth.

jazzmancarron 11

shoulda lit the bitch on fire

A good way to start the month of Decembeard... oh wait...

At that point you should have smashed her phone on the ground and walked away.

I do hope you sue her for any medical bills. Bitch.

Why didn't you just blow the lighter out?

ithatguy 0

because i didn't think she'd get that close

YDI for succumbing to Stphanie Meyer, the hagfish of the literary realm.

Sounds like you guys are 12 years old... how do you have a long enough beard to burn??? I call shenanigans...

Kylias 6

By... growing it out, I'd imagine... The same way as a short beard. Simpler still, beards don't have to be particularly long to burn. Hair is hair is flammable, and just happens that chins are within lighterin' range. OP, I think your date completely misunderstood "Kill it with fire".