By toastedguy - 01/12/2009 05:00 - United States

Today, I went on my first date in a long time. We went to see "New Moon." After the girl stole my hat, I grabbed her phone. While trying to get it back, she held a lighter to me, threatening me. Next thing I know my beard is on fire, so not only did I have to sit through horrible acting, I got burnt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 659
You deserved it 13 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Rellich 0

I want to say, "YDI," but no one deserves a psycho bitch like that...


psycho bitch. shouldve done a flamming amazon on her after the movie

New Moon's ******* awesome and the acting's great!

"Nude Moon" had better acting. What the hell were YOU watching?

Andr3wAxel 0

YDI.... for not having basic English skills

Psycho bitch or what? This is proof that some women need a good kick in the **** sometimes to keep them operating properly.

jms08 0

YDI for bashing New Moon... Gah, I want me some Jacob!!! :D

weezershashpipe 0

critisizing new moon came out of nowhere

No, it came from the fact that New Moon sucks.

YDI for going to a Twighlight movie with her, if you hated the first one, you would hate this one, and you'll hate it next year when the last one comes out.

ksmiley 0

Your date sounds like a pirate : )

ithatguy 0

because ninjas are just awesome

rosemary_fml 5

ydi for growing a beard you monkey.

pshnoway 0

It should have just been Today, I went on my first date in a long time. We went to see "New Moon." FML. YDI for agreeing to see a Twilight movie.

How do you know OP didn't pick the movie just to be nice or impress the girl? You're assuming she picked it because she's the chick.